Audit, Charity & Regulated Sectors

Dermot McCrystal & Co has extensive experience in providing audit and accountancy services to organisations within the charity and regulated sectors.

We provide high quality, accounting and audit services to a wide range of public sector and voluntary organisations including charities, councils, credit unions, schools, community groups.  Our experienced and qualified staff have the ability to provide a complete range of internal audit, risk services tailored to your specific sector, size and risk appetite. The range of services we provide include
  • Annual Accounts & Statutory Audit
  • Internal Audit
  • Not-for-Profit & Charities Audit
  • Audit of Funded Grants

Surviving a Revenue Audit: You Reap what you sow

What are your chances of a Revenue audit? How can you make the best of it? You might shudder at the thought of Revenue scrutinising …

How to hedge against currency volatility

The value of any currency can, and does, fluctuate over time due to the many economic, fiscal or political vagaries that face any economy, and …

Five ways to spruce up your finances in the New Year

Save thousands by changing how you use your TV and phone, and by becoming more tech-savvy with bills. The New Year is shaping up to …

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